Lack of topic clarity is the number one problem in writing for most upcoming authors. However, we have to consider that for everyone, it can be a challenge to find a topic that is fun to write yet interesting to the readers. What do we need to do to make it easy for us to choose our book’s topic so that our time and effort is not put to waste?

The Look Inside Approach

Take a step back to explore your strengths, areas of expertise, and passions. Ask yourself these questions and let them guide you in choosing a topic for your book.

  1. What do I love doing?
  2. What do I love reading about?
  3. People ask my advice on what?
  4. I want to give my opinion on what?
  5. In what areas have I got results?
  6. Whom can I help using this expertise?

Writing about something you feel passionate about will not only make the experience enjoyable for you but it will allow you to write a book that would grab your reader’s attention. So, look inside and ask those questions. Again, let it be a guide for you to start writing.

The Look Outside Approach

Look outside and consider who you are writing this book for. Think through and reflect on why your book is worth reading and what will your readers gain from it. To help you as you mull over your choices of topics to write about, look outside and ask yourself these questions.

  1. Whom do I care about?
  2. Whom do I want to help?
  3. What are these people’s problems?
  4. What do they want to achieve?
  5. Can I use my expertise to help them?

Remember that, every book does not appeal to all but realize that by choosing your audience well within your niche and providing them the value they need will produce good results for you and your book.

Make it Unique

Because everyone is not your reader, your book must have a unique angle. Position yourself and your book uniquely by tailoring your book topic to your niche market. Only when you laser-focus your topic on one particular challenge and one particular solution then you will appeal to somebody.

Selecting a smaller reader niche will make it easier for you to narrow down the topics that you can write about. Focus on that one topic for a certain age group or demographic or target those who are going through similar phases in life and then package your unique solution around them.

The Litmus Test

For your Reader

Survey your audience by asking them what concerns them. Listen to their everyday difficulties. See what troubles them. And then ask them if this book you are writing about would help them find the solution to their dilemmas and predicaments. With your audience, you should receive great feedback which will in turn help you decide your book’s topic.

Another option, especially for beginners, is to research other books on Amazon. Find other books with the same topic as yours and check how they are faring in sales ranking versus other books. Research on other influencers who tackle the same subject you would like to write about. See what other articles are out there which discuss the same ideas as you have. Read the reviews and the comments these influencers and articles are receiving from their audience. By doing this, you will get a good sense if that certain topic you are eyeing to write about would resonate well with your target audience or not.

For you

How connected are you to this book? Does your book identify you and what you do or what you love to do? Consider these three points when your thinking about what to write or how to write your book.

  1. Profession – Have you spent the last 5yrs to 30yrs doing the same work that you have become an expert at it? You know enough about a certain topic because you belong to that profession and have made yourself an authority in that niche. Consider writing a book, share the tricks of the trade and how anyone can turn into a skillful worker or expert in no time.
  2. Mess to Message – Have you experienced a life changing event? Did you overcome a huge hurdle in your life that made you a stronger person you never knew you could be? Consider inspiring someone and tell your story to the world through writing a book.
  3. Reporter – Are you a Movie Buff? A Music Junkie? A Bookworm? Write what you are passionate about. You can probably interview renowned or professional movie makers, musicians, or authors and consolidate everything you’ve learned from them into a book. You can focus around the history and the timelines of that particular genre or subject and make it your book’s topic.


Here’s a format you should follow when crafting a topic:

“My book helps (reader avatar) overcome (pain point)/achieve (goal) by (unique trademark solution)”

Try to fit your topic in this format so that you can be crystal clear at what to write about and be confident enough that the book will cater to both you and your readers.

So, there you have it! I hope you got some clarity on what should be your book’s topic. All the very best in writing your first book!

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